untitled (Stronger then "Bild" is the intellect)

verändertes Plakat / modified poster Stephanie Kiwitt
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In October 2003, the German tabloid Bild sponsored a Leipzig exhibition commemorating the anniversary of the 1953 uprising in East Germany. Bild was allowed to install a super billboard on the facade of a house on the market square. The billboard saying “Stronger than violence is the mind” – a quote by former German chancellor Konrad Adenauer – and branded with the tabloid’s logo, dominated the Leipzig site of the 1953 June uprisings for weeks.

The artist altered the billboard by covering the word “violence” with a copy of the tabloid’s own logo, making the quote “Stronger than Bild is the mind”. In return, the tabloid’s logo was blacked-out from the bottom of the poster. Simultaneous to this art intervention on October 2nd, 2003, the eve of the German national holiday of reunification, 10.000 postcards showing the altered billboard were distributed in Leipzig.